Sunday, August 28, 2011

last roll from new england. i love you

Saturday, August 27, 2011

i am still learning a lot about my cameras. every roll i get developed is a new lesson. the fish eye has been great but i know i can get more out of it. i forgot my holga in salt lake so i will be happy when we are reunited in hawaii. i am by no means a wanna-be-indie-so-i-use-film photographer. its just fun. film is fun. the anticipation in waiting for it to get developed, being meticulous and careful with each shot, learning to accept imperfection, or in some cases, complete failure. for example, when i tried to develop several blank rolls of film. or when i shot an entire roll with the lens cap on. or when an airport security scan fried one. or when i didnt realize focusing the camera is actually pretty important. its a roller coaster. but roller coasters are fun. film is fun.

Friday, August 26, 2011

some quotes from the 6 year-old boy sitting next to me on my 5-hour flight from boston to salt lake:

"i have two dogs. a licker and a jumper"
"see my dad back there, the one with the silky pants"
"how long is 5 minutes?"
"did you think those cookies tasted interesting?"
"maybe in a little while i will rub your back"
"youre like my best friend on this plane, huh"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

dear god, make me a bird. so i can fly fah fah away. name that movie.

once again i find myself flying fah fah away from home. is the summer really coming to an end already? nope, because you live in hawaii where summer is endless. so let the cut off shorts, beach days, bike rides, burned noses, and sandy feet roll on. the glory days are ever present (open invite to anyone who wants to join).  hats off to you boston, youve been a gem. hello to the great state of washington. EEEK!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

hawaii beach babes meet east coast wonderland meet film.

I am confident that this house had a life, soul, spirit, personality of its own. the 8th member of my family, following parley of course. a completely enchanted home. took care of me, watched me grow, witnessed the good and the bad. kept me safe, kept me warm. christmas mornings. summer afternoons. friends that came and went and came. a lot of love. a lot of hair tugging, button pushing, shouting, tears, slammed doors, and lectures. but more love. pancakes, dress ups, gingerbread houses, skinny dipping, singing, praying, eating, laughing, basement kisses, movie nights, sunday dinners. enchanted.

Monday, August 8, 2011

both a physical and mental representation of the past few days. so goes moving out of your childhood home.