Saturday, August 27, 2011

i am still learning a lot about my cameras. every roll i get developed is a new lesson. the fish eye has been great but i know i can get more out of it. i forgot my holga in salt lake so i will be happy when we are reunited in hawaii. i am by no means a wanna-be-indie-so-i-use-film photographer. its just fun. film is fun. the anticipation in waiting for it to get developed, being meticulous and careful with each shot, learning to accept imperfection, or in some cases, complete failure. for example, when i tried to develop several blank rolls of film. or when i shot an entire roll with the lens cap on. or when an airport security scan fried one. or when i didnt realize focusing the camera is actually pretty important. its a roller coaster. but roller coasters are fun. film is fun.


  1. I love your shots, you're very talented. And what you've written about film is so dead on. The hipsters ruin everything (hah) but it's good to see someone appreciating it for what it truly is.

  2. lol @ the hipsters comment. hipsters ruin everything. hahahaha. love your pics emmaboo. im too scarred to do film for realz. but i wanna try it for fun. love youu. miss youu.

  3. i want your camera. i miss you like CRAZY. good thing we're family so i know you'll still be there when i get back. hipsters arent so bad you guys.. . .. .

    i love your photos em. you are the best. and the best writer. this is the dumbest comment. but its all true. ok bye.
