Thursday, August 18, 2011

I am confident that this house had a life, soul, spirit, personality of its own. the 8th member of my family, following parley of course. a completely enchanted home. took care of me, watched me grow, witnessed the good and the bad. kept me safe, kept me warm. christmas mornings. summer afternoons. friends that came and went and came. a lot of love. a lot of hair tugging, button pushing, shouting, tears, slammed doors, and lectures. but more love. pancakes, dress ups, gingerbread houses, skinny dipping, singing, praying, eating, laughing, basement kisses, movie nights, sunday dinners. enchanted.


  1. Homes are the greatest. And EVEN better are the fantastic people that live within the walls. these photos ooze with nostalgic feelings, i feel like i was your next door neighbor
