Tuesday, January 29, 2013

delivering a dinosaur to the museum of science in boston, 1984. oh how i long for this city!

Monday, January 28, 2013

on a day before we were married and before i cut off more than a foot of my hair, we set out on a bicycle adventure towards the north shore. stopping along the way to surf, eat fruit, and take naps, we worked our way slowly up the kamehameha highway, soaking in sunshine rays and surreal scenery. it was a dream and one of my favorite days, favorite string of moments. its days like that--when the sky is clear and the sun creates a sort of magic yellow haze-- that make the rainy ones like today worth it. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

important to see.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

someday i'm going to write an elaborately ruthless critique of social media and the self-worshipping, self-hating zombies it mass produces. but for now, i'm going to check my facebook and keep working on my paper. bleh
my life is enormously filled with love.