Wednesday, December 18, 2013

a year of marriage, december eighteenth.

late afternoon sun, we lay atop the bed with sand on our feet. trenton's eyes are green and tired from the sea, his breath is quicker than mine and there is salt in his hair. we talk, i look into his face and he looks into mine. we tease, laugh. in the yellow light, my chest aches with love, eager adoration. i feel steady, i feel alive.


  1. love's bursting here. it always is. thank you.

  2. when i feel a lot of emotion, this is what happens:
    my heart swells and my eyes do as well.

    that just happened.

  3. beautiful emma. I am so happy for you. I can see that salt in his hair... and I know those swelling feelings in the chest...just be prepared for that x 100 when you have a baby together!
