Monday, November 4, 2013

on the morning that we left the house in new england, i walked through empty rooms. the rugs had been rolled, the corner where the piano had sat for years was blank and bare. my footsteps sounded loud, foreign on the wooden floors and it seemed the walls that witnessed my childhood had already forgotten me, forgotten the years we called them home


  1. i love the heaviness of this. so honest. you are magnificent, emma.

  2. Oh man, Emma. This brings tears to my eyes... for many reasons. I have been feeling so so sooo homesick lately for Norwell. I miss the trees, the green, the cemeteries, the windy narrow roads, everything! The longer I live in Orange County the more I miss the woods of New England. Deep deep sigh and tears on my cheeks.

  3. This is lovely! great writing. I remember well that day....but could never say it like you emma!
